Dog Bone Pendant 165GV.jpg

Dog Bone Pendant

from $130.00
Paw Pendant 166YG.jpg

Paw Pendant

from $140.00
Small Heart Pendant 107GV.jpg

Small Heart Pendant

from $150.00
Large Heart Pendant 106GV.jpg

Large Heart Pendant

from $210.00
Onyx Cylinder Pendant Necklace J8010 Onyx Paw Print Cylinder.jpg

Onyx Cylinder Pendant Necklace

from $65.00
J8026 Bronze Round with Large Paw.jpg J8027 Pewter Round with Big Paw.jpg

Large Paw Print Pendant Necklace

from $65.00
Small Paw Print Pendant Necklace J8028 Bronze Round Pendant with Paws.jpg

Small Paw Print Pendant Necklace

from $65.00
Black Paw Print Urn Pendant

Black Paw Print Urn Pendant

Pewter Urn Pendant Canister_Urn_03.jpg
sold out

Pewter Urn Pendant
