our Services
The Animal Soul is a small, independently owned company that has been serving the region since 1996. Having pioneered pet cremation in Delaware, we are fully dedicated to your animals complete and peaceful departure, taking whatever time is needed to attend to you and your family.
planning ahead
Taking time to plan helps you meet death more fully and allows you and your family to let go with grace and beauty. Dying well is easier when you meet it in a sacred and conscious way. It opens your heart at a time when we feel we don’t have any choice and allows you to create a safe space for healing to occur and love to flow.
When it is time, euthanasia allows us to assist our animals to leave the limitations and pain of their physical bodies and step into the freedom of their next journey. It is one of the most difficult decisions, we, as humans, have to consider, knowing the multitude of questions and layers of love this decision invokes. Our animals trust and depend on us for their nurturance. When we are preparing for them to leave, we know deep down a part of us is leaving too.
Cremation is a sacred act and we treat it as such. Every member of our staff has a deep connection to their work. We understand what we provide can deeply affect our clients, and so we hold a place of grace, solace and potential for healing. We begin each day honoring this commitment by holding a space of dignity, respect and integrity for the human-animal bond.
When we avoid death and the pain that death brings we give it power to unhinge us. Grief, especially unexpressed grief, has an energy of its own. It is vital to find ways to express it with family, friends and community. Grieving is hard work, a natural process that unfolds throughout life, and is deeply misunderstood in our society. Grieving well not only unmasks and strips away layers of heaviness - it also shows us how to step back into the world with a new sense of being alive and the courage to expand and explore.