
I brought Callie home in September 2015 as a baby. I didn’t know much about rabbit care but I was determined to learn everything and give her the best life. Shortly after bringing Callie home, an old relationship of mine ended, and it felt like it was all meant to be. She was always there to keep me busy and comfort me when I needed it.

Once Callie was litter-trained, she became a free-roam bunny. She slept in bed with me, cuddled in my arm, and gave kisses often. We always had to watch our step because she would hop right under our feet. Callie was a typical bunny and chewed holes in all my blankets - something I now enjoy seeing as a reminder of her. She’d wake me up every morning by jumping up on the bed for snuggles and she’d come running over to me every evening when I got home from work.

Callie was my peace away from the busy world. When I learned she had cancer & her body was struggling, I wanted to make sure she was at peace too. She left this world in the most comfortable way, in her favorite spot in my bedroom.

I miss her sweet soul so much.

- Courtney Armistead

TributesKristen Hudson